Monday 17 October 2016

Step 8: How to Make Money Blogging – Beginners Guide

 How to Make Money Blogging – Beginners Guide

        Why wait? The quickest way to learn how to earn income with a blog is to start blogging. Take control of your financial future by building your own blog today.Ready to build something for YOUR future? [Build Your Blog Now]  

Once your blog is up and running, here is a tool you can use right away to generate online income.

Getting paid from your blog can happen in a myriad of ways. Since you are just getting started, let’s focus on one simple monetization technique that’s easy to use. This tool is not complicated. Keep reading if you want to make money blogging right away. Okay, let me introduce you to Google Adsense…

Run Ads on Your Blog

Now, don’t freak out here. Running ads is the most common way people earn income from blogs. Bloggers who have ads on their site get paid every time someone clicks on these ads. So don’t worry, ads on your blog are pretty simple to set up.

How Do You Set Up Ads on Your Blog?

Having ads on your blog doesn’t mean you have to spend time looking for advertisers. You can pick one of many programs out there that do all the leg work for you. The service for placing ads on a blog that I recommend is called Google Adsense. Even if you are new to blogging, you probably know that Google is a huge internet company that spans the globe. They have connections with possibly millions of advertisers. With Google Adsense, you get access to all the Google relationships they’ve made with adveritisers—enabling you to place ads from these corporate connections on your blog. In a matter of minutes, you will start to receive a portion of the commissions these advertisers make when people click on the ads.

Google Adsense is simple to set up and 100% FREE. Google Adsense Logo

You will want to start with Google Adsense because it’s quick and easy to use. But keep in mind that as your blog audience multiplies, your options to using ads for income will get even better. Shoot for three hundred thousand visitors per month to your blog. (Great content will help you get there.) You’ll get excited about your options after that. But for now, Google Adsense is a great starting point.

How Does Google Adsense Pay You?

You have two ways to get paid. Getting a check in the mail is one option. Or, they can directly deposit your earnings straight to your bank account. Direct deposit is always the easiest and quickest way to go. The deposit comes in at the end of every month.

How You Can Give Yourself a Raise with Google Adsense

Earning a higher income is pretty simple…just get more traffic to your blog. Somewhere between 1-10% of your blog visitors will click an ad. This varies according to the blog topic, but whatever your blog is about, you will see over time how consistent this plays out. Every month. For example, consider your earnings if 3% of your blog visitors click an ad. At 3%, if you have 20,000 visitors in a month, you will generate 600 clicks. Now suppose your blog audience grew to 100,000 visitors per month, you would generate 3,000 clicks. See how this works? If you are diligent in building your blog audience, your income from ads will increase exponentially. The time taken to build up traffic provides huge amounts of satisfaction in the long run.

What Pay Rate Does Google Adsense Offer?

Again, your blog topic will play a major part in the return you receive per click. Google Adsense has paid out rates of $0.05 per click all the way up to $20 per click and beyond. For new bloggers starting out, you are probably going to earn $0.20 to $0.50 per click. Using Google Adsense is pretty much a numbers game…but that’s true with all advertising to some degree. Filling your blog with great content will definitely put the odds more in your favor. I’ve seen this with my blogs. And since creating great content is my specialty, you will definitely want to read the lessons I provide on how to produce great content.

Here’s a Simple Visual Guide on How to Apply for Google AdSense

Step 1: First you want to go here and then click the red button that says Get Started Now.
Google Adsense Get Started Now
Step 2: Next, if you do not have a Google account, click the Create a New Account. If you do have a Google account, just click Yes, then proceed to Google Account sign in.
Google Adsense Yes Proceed to Sign In
Step 3: Type in the domain of the website you want to use with Google AdSense in the “I will show ads on” box. Then put in the language of your website. Review the Terms and Conditions and click Continue.
Google Adsense Tell Us About Ur Content
Step 4: Fill in your AdSense application and click the blue button Submit my application.
Google Adsense Submit Your Application
Step 5: You’re finished when you see the “Thank you for applying to AdSense!” You can check out a few tutorials here to teach you more about Google AdSense if you need it.
You have submitted your application and Google will let you know whether your website is approved or not. This approval process didn’t take long for me here. I received the approval email from Google in a couple of hours.

Google Adsense Thanks For Applying
The approval email you get looks like this:

Get Started with Google AdSense

When you click “Get started now” in the email, you will first see a terms of service to review and accept. Then you will see this below. Notice that it tells me in the red bar that my domain is still under review. So what you do here is proceed to your WordPress blog and place the code in your website. Google tells you here that the ads will be blank until your blog is fully approved. So click “Get started now” to continue…
 Google Adsense Getting Started

After clicking “Get started now,” I found the navigation to finding my ad codes to be a bit tricky. If you find it challenging to locate your needed ad codes at this point, simply type in the URL I’ve pointed out below to get to where you want to go. You will then want to click the blue button “Create your first ad unit now!”
Google Adsense Implement your ad units
Here is where you set up your ad(s). You select the style of the ad and then click “Save and Get Code.”
Google Adsense Create My Ads
You should then see a box like this that contains the ad code you will place into your website.
Google Adsense Ad Code Created

Once you copy the code with your pointer, sign into your WordPress Dashboard and place the code where you want the ad to go. In this example below, I’m placing the code atop my “Services” page. Notice how the code is being placed in the “Text” tab located in the upper right corner of the Page Editor. That’s where you find any code, like for an infographic or for an embedded link. Once the coding is in, simply click “Update” and your ads will be done.
Google Adsense Place Code into Website
You will then need to wait for Google to give you the final approval. Until that happens, visitors to your website will not see the ads at all. You will be able to see blank, or empty ads at first. Only after your approval will you and your blog visitors see ads.
Your approval email can take hours or days to show up in your inbox. Mine was approved about 8 hours later. The email looked like this:
Your Google AdSense account has been fully activated - - Gmail 2015-01-13 19-26-55
Google Adsense is a great way to start monetizing your blog. It’s simple, easy to set up, and best of all, it’s FREE.
If you’re reading this and you still haven’t started your own blog, stop procrastinating, do it now by following my step-by-step guide today.

Here is a Second Way You Can Make Money Blogging in 2015

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a proven way to earn income online. I know firsthand, as that is what I do here on this website.
Anyone can do it (with a website), you just need to pick what service or product to affiliate with and then take the necessary steps.
Like any business, there are some positives and negatives to consider before jumping in.
You don’t need to spends thousands of dollars in researching, testing and assembling your own products. Your only expense here is in the setup of a new website. If you already have a website or blog, then your investment will be purely the time spent on creating the web pages needed. If you have a limited budget, this probably sounds like a good option for you. You’re right! This works well for someone wanting to generate a part time income or full time. That’s up to you!
Another positive about being an affiliate marketer is that YOU get to choose the products or services that your website offers. You won’t ever be forced to sell something from a business that doesn’t align with your core values. You can find a sense of congruency in your life by only promoting products or services that align with your beliefs and personality.
Naturally, a business opportunity with so may positives up front is going to be COMPETITIVE. This means you’re going to need to be ready to run a marathon here before you see a significant income result. Like I said, once you pick your affiliates, you then need to take some steps to get things moving. You will need to get the word out about your website, attract people to it, and then, you must create a marketing funnel on your website that actually encourages people to buy what you’re recommending. The knowledge to set up this process and execute it well takes some time and practice.
You will need to learn how to craft your words so they pull in readers and also figure out how to promote your blog.
Social media is an obvious tool to spread the word. There are more effective ways to using social media that you may need to learn, but its worth the time, because these social media platforms can connect with your target market quickly.
There is also the ins and outs of promoting your affiliates in ways that keep your own identity…you can lose yourself if you over-market your affiliates, and that’s a real negative when you have your own products or services to offer also–books, courses, events, your own product invention, etc.
If you’re strictly doing affiliate marketing, this may not be an issue for you.

How Much Money Can You Actually Make?

When asked this question, affiliate marketing expert Alan Roy Hocking gave this great answer on his website:
“The answer to the question; “How much can I earn affiliate marketing” is that there really is no limit to the amount of money you can earn.
In the last ten years more people have become millionaires through affiliate marketing than in any other industry and every day ordinary people just like you and me are learning how to tap into this incredible unlimited income source.
How hard you are willing to work and the niche you choose will determine how quickly you’ll succeed and how much you will earn but remember this…..
One day, it could be you.”
In other words, your income potential depends on you. That is great if you’re motivated and self disciplined and want to learn new things. If you’re not, well, your income will reflect that.
I recommend searching for some additional resources on affiliate marketing.
And one last thing to keep in mind…
Remember: you must have a website to succeed at affiliate marketing!
If you don’t have a website set up yet, I can help you with that right now.

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